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I am 55 years old and waiting for my ex husband to sell the marital home so I can buy somewhere for my 19 year old son and my 9 year old grandson who suffers from autism and adhd, I work in a school as a cleaner 25 hours a week so that I can take and pick him from school and be with him in the school holidays I got custody of him on his 2nd birthday. The tenancy on this property runs out on 27th July i pay the majority of the rent myself but i get a bit of help with universal credit
I am looking to:
Save Money
I currently:
Rent (Privately)
I am interested in:
  • Reducing Household Costs
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Posted 8 hours ago
This Beverley property has just Sold
3 Bedroom Detached in Plot 43 Sold in 7 days. Asking price was £290,000, View property
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