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"Wo-manFriday. Helpful Property & Marketing Agent. Own car. Instant contact."
Hello Property Head Members,
I have worked as an estate agent in Spain, sold various off plan investment properties and sourced many BMV properties, portfolios and bulk deals for investors. Right now, I work from home as an online marketer helping property agents, small business owners and tradespeople with their digital assets. If you need help getting set up on Facebook, creating graphics for FB covers or you want to find out how Facebook ads can help you start advertising your products online and get some more business coming your way then get in touch. I know how to set up advertising campaigns, how to target the right audiences and I also do Google Adwords.
My fees are very reasonable. No contracts. Pay via PayPal and I am happy to talk to anyone about their business and ideas with zero cost involved. The purpose of the call would be for me to see if I can help get you started with promoting your business or setting up your online assets. I am based in Liverpool and would be able to visit any business or property agent onsite.
Liverpool, Merseyside
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Daily Property News UK homes & property round up
Posted 5 hours ago
This Gateshead property has just been reduced
1 Bedroom Flat in Inskip Terrace reduced from £525 to £495 View property
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Please check out some of our other websites:

Mouseprice is the property portal for sellers and landlords with a focus on property valuation and property data.

See the estimated value of any property in the UK, or if you’re a true property data nerd check out Mouseprice Pro.

OurProperty is the property log book site.

It’s where homeowners can organise their property in one place.

It’s a secure store for any relevant documentation such as title deeds, builders invoices, dishwasher warranty, fensa certificates etc.

And a great place to manage household bills and home improvements, and to save money in the process.
