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"The pick of the crop"
Mathew Wood has worked in estate agency for 25 years in and around South Somerset. Rising through the ranks of the country’s largest corporate agents and honing his craft enabled Mathew to develop the vision for Orchards Estates. As Managing Director, Mathew naturally spends time working on the business and “steering the ship”; he has an uncanny ability to pick up on the nuanced changes of Zeitgeist in the market. Mat’s skill at delivering tailored, on-the-spot training enables each member of the team to develop themselves and also his ability to digest extremely lengthy legal documents, distilling them down to crucial points benefits the team and clients alike. When Mat does get a day off, he likes to drive his VW Camper to a kite-surfing or surfing spot and play in the waves. He lives in Stoke sub Hamdon with his fiancée and an extremely angry rescue cat.
South Petherton, Somerset

This Gateshead property has just been reduced
1 Bedroom Flat in Inskip Terrace reduced from £525 to £495 View property
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